I was born on April 25, 1983, in Italy and at the age of 18 I started wandering in the squares and in the streets doing the first steps of what would become my job.
In search of training and more tools to perfect my work, in 2007 I began to attend Philip Radice's Atelier Physical Theater in Turin where I study mime and theater. In the following years I have performed in several festivals around the world, I've acted in films (with my dog) and TV shows, I have worked with big circuses and in the Carnival of Venice.
I have lived for 13 years in Turin, in Italy, where I managed "SLIP", a gym-theater for performing arts, in collaboration with other artists.
I'm now ready with my new show: Talchè!
I like music, especially the hip hop genre: I'm a DJ and music producer by passion.