Busker Artist, Performer
2005/'19: artistic research and experimentation at various festivals
2005: Stage "The Street Show" by Peter Wayel
2006: Stage "The clownish character" by Rita Pelusio
2007/'09: Attendance at Philip Radice's Physical Theatre School in Turin
2008: Acrobatics course at "FLIC" - Reale Società Ginnastica Torino
From 2005 to 2019, I have been participating with my shows in street theatre and circus festivals, some of which are listed in the following section
2004: I started performing as a juggler and acrobat in hotels and clubs on the Adriatic Coast in Italy.
2005: I started working as a street artist with my first juggling and balancing show
2004/'05/'06: I started working with the entertainment agency "Italento"
2006: I work as a performer on the TV programme "Reality Circus" on Canale 5; I collaborate on the project "Invasioni Poetiche delle Città" for the F.N.A.S. (National Federation of Street Arts) under the direction of Sandro Berti (Osiris Band)
2008: I work at the "Carnival of Venice" on the stage of St. Mark's Square
2009: I participate in and win the competition "Artemisia" of the municipality of S. Giovanni Marignano (RN), Italy
2010: I appear as a juggler in the movie "Il Brigante e il Campione"; I perform in the pre-show of "Police Academy" at Mirabilandia
2011: I win the "Gianni Damiano" prize at the Lunathica festival in Nole (Turin) with the show "The Beat Brothers"; I appear as a juggler in the film "L’industriale" and in the film "The Baby Blues"; in the programme "Colpo d'occhio" on TV; I participate as a trainer with my dog in a scene of the film "Baby Blues"
2012: I participate as an actor and trainer with my dog in several commercials and in the movie "Natale a 4 zampe"
2012/'13: I am the artistic director of the Extrad'arte festival in Maresca (PT), Italy
2013: I teach clowns, theatre and juggling for several associations in Turin with adolescents and the disabled; I participate with the duo The Beat Brothers in "Italia's Got Talent" arriving in the semifinals.
2014: I play the clown/vampire in "Circo degli Orrori Phobia"
2015: I participate in the TV show "Si può fare" with Carlo Conti with the duo "The Beat Brothers"
2016: I win the 1st prize at the international festival of street artists in Novara, Italy
2016/'17: I create the structure of the circus variety show "SlipUpArte" for the association SLIP in Turin (9 performances from October to June 2017), for which I also organise music jams
2017/'18: I collaborate with the circus school DimiDimitri of Novara, where I teach theatre and juggling to children and young people
2019: I participate as a performer in the TV show "I soliti ignoti"
Cest is the best - Zagreb, Croatia
World buskers festival - Christchurc, New Zealand
Festival of fools - Belfast, North Ireland
Food fest - Dubai, UAE
La Strada - Augsburg, Germany
Olala - Lienz, Austria
Fuc - Pola, Croatia
Le fiere del teatro - Sarmede, Treviso, Italy
Extradarte - Maresca, Pistoia, Italy
Sarnico Buskers Festival - Sarnico, Brescia, Italy
La luna nel pozzo - Caorle, Venice
Fira de Circ al Carrer - La Bisbal d’Empordà , Spain
El Festin - Ibiza, Spain
Del Mundo - Leisure Valley, Belgium
Mais Imaginarius - Santa Maria de Feira,
TAC - Valladolid, Spain
Halifax Buskers Festival - Halifax, Canada